Thursday, September 10, 2009

Boy Hidden Behind Wall Remains In State Custody

The boy hidden behind wall remains in state custody. He was hidden from visitors in a secret room behind a wall during a custody battle, which remains unresolved.
shannon wilfong mug shot

The story has swept TV news, and enraged parents all over the country. How could a mother kidnap her son and keep him confined inside for two years? She claims she was concealing his whereabouts from his father, who she says abused him.

When authorities raided the house, they found Ricky and his mother hiding in a secret room with a very low ceiling. Shannon Wilfong is now charged with felony abduction. I haven’t passed the bar exam in my state, but it seems like abducting and hiding a 6-year-old won’t exactly get the courts on your side.

The fact that stories like this one carry so much weight in our culture speaks volumes about us. We seem to have a morbid curiosity when presented with a headline that sounds like something out of a horror movie.

The first thing I thought of was the The People Under The Stairs, a movie about a deranged couple who adopted kids, but when they couldn’t live up to their impossible standards they would lock them in the basement. A character nicknamed “Roach,” escaped the basement and dwelt in crawl spaces between the walls.

In this case, reports suggest he was only kept there when visitors came over—still a horrible scenario. But after watching the video below, I was relieved to learn that he was happy and talkative when in the company of police officers. Sadly though, Richard “Ricky” Chekevdia will likely turn 7 on September 14th without a stable home environment. Let’s hope the courts come to a quick and prudent decision, and he can have a better quality of life.

Until then, the boy hidden behind the wall remains in state custody.

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